Monday, July 30, 2018

Dwight Smith OnTray - The Advantages of Biodegradable Products

Earth is rapidly becoming a junk yard of plastic; Metals and e-waste which are not biodegradable and can have serious impact on the climate and living conditions of this planet. This is where the biodegradable substances come into focus. These materials are easily disintegrated by microbial activity of bacteria, fungus and others in the presence of light and heat. Non-biodegradable substances remain on Earth, in the course of no change, causes severe damage and pollution to the environment.
Dwight Smith OnTray
The Advantages of Biodegradable Products 
Biodegradable products are those that can be broken back into its component parts over time by the action of biological organisms and processes. Paper and textile products are biodegradable, but not traditional plastic made from petroleum bases. Consumer packaging and disposable food products made from new biodegradable plastics based on maize and other plants have many environmental and efficiency benefits on non-environmental products.

Here Dwight Smith has guided the important benefits of biodegradable products such as:

Fuel Efficiency: Polyweightic acid produces biodegradable plastic consumer products, oil saves, writes Elizabeth Royett in Smithsonian magazine. U.S. According to food service warehouse in the restaurant supply industry, in the biodegradable plastic production processes, 65 percent less energy is used to produce petroleum-based plastics, making biodigradable plastic top energy-efficient choices. Biodegradable products are made from renewable sources such as corn, sugar cane and potato starch: 200,000 barrels of oil is used in the United States alone in the manufacture of plastic packaging, and significant parts of this usage can be terminated biodegradable Employ plastic products.

Less Pollution: Elizabeth Ruite in Smithsonian magazine says that manufacturing biodegradable consumer products produce very little pollution. Since the products can break back into non-toxic components, they do not cause the hazardous chemical leacht that can pollute the air or humiliate the water. According to the Food Service Warehouse, biodegradable plastic consumer products produce 68 percent less greenhouse gases than petroleum-based plastic products.

Dwight Smith OnTray
Environmental Benefits of Biodegradable Packaging Products
Marketing Advantages: The advantages of using biodegradable products are spread beyond the safety and welfare of the Earth and can benefit people in retail and manufacturing. With a focus on recycling and green living, many people are prohibiting the purchase of household products, groceries and even fast food only for products and owners who use biodegradable packaging products. If you are a retailer or restaurant owner, then advertising your use of bioplastics can increase the chances of growing business, sales and profit by attracting conscious consumers to the environment.

Dwight Smith OnTray offers environmentally friendly services. All trays and carriers are produced using proprietary materials and are 100% biodegradable.

If you are face any type of problem related to this topic, then you can reach out with us. We would love to resolve it.

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